Friday, June 28, 2013

Bukoba Trip

Since some of the people on the trip have relations with friends in Bukoba, Tanzania, we went out to visit them. Bukoba is nestled right on the shores of Lake Victora. 

In order to get there, we had to fly to Mwanza first, then continue on go Bukoba. Both flights were in tiny planes that only seat about 40 people or something. When we finally landed, I realized the airport is the size of a small house. The landing strip used to be all dirt a year or two ago, but they finally managed to pave it. I couldn't believe it. 

Immediately when you step off the plane, you feel the huge temperature change from the Kilimanjaro region. It is more tropical and sunny, rightfully so since it is 3 degrees from the equator. 

That night, we got to meet all of our friends over there. The leader of the pack is named Smart. Smart is incredible and has a truly inspirational story. I can't even begin to explain his former struggles on here and his solutions, but just know they were great. He has real perseverance. One of the things he loves to do is perform music. He has a choir that tours all around the world now. Luckily, I got to hear them multiple times. 

The following day, we did a bunch of different things, like visit a goat farm, a school, a library, and other places. That night we went over to Smart's house for a little party...

When I say little party, I mean huge party. Africans really like to have a good was Project X-ish. 

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